Hey Folks! Today I thought of taking up an expression series: in which we can share our "funny" or "sad" or "jolly" experiences on various things we did for the first time! So this year I took part in the Breakthrough Junior Challenge: https://breakthroughjuniorchallenge.org/ It was a very good experience in which I can say I felt quite stressed out at first but now I can look back and say I "worked" hard indeed! So it started off when I was studying at Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/ and I came across a display about this competition and as directed I scrolled through the website... I confirmed with my parents and enrolled myself!!!✨ I had promised them I'll work very hard and research. So I think this was all around 30 April 2021 and I had approximately 2 months till the deadline on 25 June 2021. So initially I didn't get any topic and I was sad about it: I actually did expect to get a topic within a few days, but that did...