Hey There,
Pardon me to write this but this is VERY IMPORTANT for the proper functioning of our Community of Fanatics...
But it won't be very STRICT ones (I assure you that..!)
Let's get started..!
This Code of Conduct helps us build a community that is rooted in kindness, collaboration, and mutual respect.
Whether you’ve come to ask questions, learn something new, or generously share what you know, join us in building a community where all people feel welcome and can participate, regardless of expertise or identity.
We commit to enforcing and improving the Code of Conduct. It applies to everyone using The Study Fanatic, including our team, and anyone posting to Q&A pages or comment rooms.
Code of Conduct...
- I'll add different pages(for different subjects) from time to time...We shall use these to make up a community sort of thing, which means you all can post QUESTIONS and ANSWER them in the comments section. (the questions related to the subject..){You can reach out to the community for even your homework doubts!}
- Avoid commenting in OFFENSIVE Language. Remember to be polite while asking questions or answering them.
- The comments section below the POSTS can be used for Tips and Thanks or even Questions...
- You can FOLLOW the BlogPost for instant updates..!
- I'll (at least I think) will update the blogs and write new ones 1-2 / month {as time permits}
Now Let's see the Features...
- You can change the LANGUAGE of the Blog..!! {Cool Feature...😁}
- We have an Archive right there!
- You get to see up awesome facts {Coming soon...}[Probably Every Week...]
- You can recommend to me the content to put up right there...(And I shall put it up!)
- When you mail your suggestions on my email id; I look up at it seriously {Wait this is MY feature..!😉}
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I love to read what our community writes!
Do leave back your views and thoughts on it!
Thanks in Advance!!