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Just a rAnDOm bLoG...

I was recently scrolling through something when I found this : 
I was quite happy reading it.
(I promise it's not a boring story, it's quite interesting!)

Here's the direct link to it in case you want to read through! Link here!

Ready to Fly?😎


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About Me

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Hey There!! I'm Srushti and I write the blog called "The Study Fanatic" It's just fun too and I'll be looking forward for your support..!! Everybody needs to be learning : at least that's what everyone says.. I honestly feel we can enjoy It like one wants to make it "Dream Study" Join me on my quest to search for a fun side in ourselves. (You can subscribe to do so) Mind you it seems to be boring but I assure you my blogs won't be dull.

Exciting Stuff


 Hey there!! Thanks a million for viewing this... I am Srushti M uno t and I'm a STUDY FANATIC by choice! Being a student I have always enjoyed studying along with my hobbies like playing guitar and karate... Being a NON-FANATIC  for  studies is Unconditionally OK but the ones who are a real enthusiast of studies will surely know the enjoyment of being so... These blogposts in my opinion shall and will help the NON-FANATIC be real Fanatics..!!! I'll love to share whatever I learn from all subjects... I'll attempt to write it down precisely and understandably but forgive me if I am too dull or boring at times!

🥳Mother's Day Special : How to bake a Tasty and Yummy Chocolate Cake🎂🎗🎉🥳

 Hey Fanatics! I'm back and this time I bring to you a special post for MOTHER'S DAY!🎗🎉🥳 Let's bake a cake for someone whom we love the most!💝 Notes :  1.Use the same size bowl 2.After you place the mixture in the cooker: 1st 10mins: Full Flame and next 35mins: Low Flame 3.Remember to place a COOKING STAND in the cooker before you place the baking container! Here's My Cake!    Make a BIG Surprise for your MOM!!               Do comment and write if your cake was as delicious as mine!💝😂 Happiest Mother's Day to all the Lovely Mothers out there! Thanks!          

General Overview : Physics

  What is physics? To be honest, it’s really difficult to define exactly what physics is. For one, physics keeps changing as we progress and make new discoveries. New theories don't just bring new answers. They also create new questions that might not have even made sense when viewed from within the previous theory of physics. This makes physics exciting and interesting, but it also forces attempts at defining physics into generalizations about what physics has been rather than what it might be at some point in the future. What should I know to succeed in physics? Physics (Opens in a new window)  can be intimidating, and people often want to know about the prerequisites to start learning physics. Listed below is a rough guide for the bare minimum of what you should know before taking particular physics classes. Conceptual Physics prerequisites: All you really need is an open mind, a desire to learn, and a willingness to accept that 90% of what you thought about the universe might b

How to Be Funny: Easy Steps to Improve Your Humor and Pranking Skills 😂😂

Some people are naturally funny, but being funny is also a set of skills that can be learned. Check out these easy strategies on how to be funny...😁 [This is April Fools Day Special!] Learning how to be funny is an essential people skill. Most people don’t realize you can learn how to be funny. In fact, I want to convince you that the funniest people hone their witty craft. ...but only a GOOD KIND of Laugh, not an Awkward one! Give the opposite answer to yes/no questions : The easiest way to be funny, even if you are not, is to give the opposite answer to yes/no questions. Yes, it is that simple. If people are expecting you to say yes, you say no; if people are expecting you to say no, you say yes. The more obvious the better. Let’s look at why this works Developing a  sense of humor  is much easier when you can forgive people. Don't Overdo It & Be Careful Not To Offend Others. Knowing your audience is a key point to  making  them laugh. ... Be Witty, Not Silly. ... Stay Posit

We're the future Avengers! : Don't Believe me?

  Hey there! I'm back with a path to superpower for you! Recently I attended an AI Boot-Camp in which I learned a lot more than I had thought !!🦸‍♀️🦹‍♀️ So I always wanted to be Iron-Man's (Tony Stark's) student {Don't ask me why coz I dunno!} He's got amazing SUPER-POWERS!    I really wished I had those! Alright getting back, I learned a lot in the Boot-Camp... Let's first see what is AI by Definition :  " Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals, which involves consciousness and emotionality. The distinction between the former and the latter categories is often revealed by the acronym chosen " Now this seems to be a book-ish definition which I hate(😝) But yep, your question is right why am I mentioning AI after all! It's bcoz AI is the path that can give us Sci-Fi Powers! You read it right! AI has its spread all over. It's Good and Bad! [don't worr

Kickstart HTML 5 : Session 2

 In this session, let's learn furthermore in HTML! Don't worry if we use tags you have not learned about yet. HTML Documents : All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html> . The HTML document itself begins with <html>   and ends with   </html> . The visible part of the HTML document is between <body>   and   </body> . Example < !DOCTYPE  html > < html > < body > < h1 > My First Heading < /h1 > < p > My first paragraph. < /p > < /body > < /html > The <!DOCTYPE> Declaration The  <!DOCTYPE>  declaration represents the document type, and helps browsers to display web pages correctly. It must only appear once, at the top of the page (before any HTML tags). The  <!DOCTYPE>  declaration is not case sensitive. The  <!DOCTYPE>  declaration for HTML5 is: < !DOCTYPE  html > HTML Headings HTML headings are defined with the  <h1>  to  &

From Left to Write : Unblocking Wordsmiths

  Hey there! This is Srushti back with you and I have some exciting stuff with me today! In July let's write interesting stuff! Writing Fun@The Study Fanatic! Now, all you need to do is: if you write or want to write some existing stuff (It can be in any sector like jokes, study, etc.)mail it to me and I shall feature it in my blog! You can write to me about poems, stories, jokes, or literally anything you want! So now grab your pens and enjoy! Awaiting your lovely responses P.S.: My Email Address: Thanks! ~ Srushti

June : A month of Celebrations✨

 This pandemic has brought about a lot of changes in our lifestyle, emotions, celebrations of festivals and days... so I thought why not just let's celebrate JUNE as a month of celebration and make ourselves a little happy and contented... Below are some very interesting days that fall in June! 1 June-  Global Day of Parents The Global Day of Parents is celebrated on the 1st of June every year. UN General Assembly proclaimed this day in 2012 by passing a resolution and honors parents for their relentless support, sacrifice and commitments towards their children. 2 June –  Telangana Formation Day Telangana has a glorious history of at least two thousand five hundred years or more. Every year Telangana State celebrates the formation day on 2nd June with grandeur and conducts various events, cultural activities etc. The struggle of Telangana to generate a new state began in the early 1950s. 3 June -  World Bicycle Day The United Nations General Assembly declared 3rd June as internatio

Kickstart HTML 5 : Session 1

 Heyy! I'm back with an interesting Coding Language which is HTML! Let's first have a brief view of why we shall know HTML🎭... Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript.   You can read more about HTML @Wikipedia  What is HTML? HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages HTML describes the structure of a Web page HTML consists of a series of elements HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content HTML elements label pieces of content such as "this is a heading", "this is a paragraph", "this is a link", etc. That was a pretty mouthful of Theory!😉 Let's Jump to the structure of BASIC HTML... Example :  < !DOCTYPE  html > < html > < head > < title > Page Title < /title >