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Showing posts with the label #Physics

General Overview : Physics

  What is physics? To be honest, it’s really difficult to define exactly what physics is. For one, physics keeps changing as we progress and make new discoveries. New theories don't just bring new answers. They also create new questions that might not have even made sense when viewed from within the previous theory of physics. This makes physics exciting and interesting, but it also forces attempts at defining physics into generalizations about what physics has been rather than what it might be at some point in the future. What should I know to succeed in physics? Physics (Opens in a new window)  can be intimidating, and people often want to know about the prerequisites to start learning physics. Listed below is a rough guide for the bare minimum of what you should know before taking particular physics classes. Conceptual Physics prerequisites: All you really need is an open mind, a desire to learn, and a willingness to accept that 90% of what you thought about the universe mi...

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Hey There!! I'm Srushti and I write the blog called "The Study Fanatic" It's just fun too and I'll be looking forward for your support..!! Everybody needs to be learning : at least that's what everyone says.. I honestly feel we can enjoy It like one wants to make it "Dream Study" Join me on my quest to search for a fun side in ourselves. (You can subscribe to do so) Mind you it seems to be boring but I assure you my blogs won't be dull.